Lazy Sequence Tutorials
A 6-part tutorial series about implementing lazy sequences (on-demand iterators) in pure ReasonML.
Hi! I'm a software engineer interested in compiler implementation, building educational software, and creating with web technologies. If you'd like to work with me, please get in touch by emailing me at
A 6-part tutorial series about implementing lazy sequences (on-demand iterators) in pure ReasonML.
A programming language with algebraic data types, pattern-matching, a bidirectional typechecker, a “bytecode” interpreter, and Ruby-like syntax.
A (very) C-like self-hosted programming language initially written in C, compiling C source to C as the target. Supports basic pattern matching and ADTs!
A small grammar language that can generate sentences based on strongly-typed constraints, and website to with interactive editor!
A sorting algorithm visualization which attempts to track cache misses!
A Python 3 parser-combinator library which uses coroutines to sequence parsers.
A command line tool for parsing Python dataclass reprs and pretty-printing them.
A (not so great) OCaml compiler. Created during an independent studies course in Spring 2019.
A graphical, interactive, algebraic playground. Designed to help students grasp algebraic concepts in a non-traditional way. Created as capstone project in Spring 2019.
A utility program that deletes files from your disk if they are backed up in a different directory/drive.
A client-server application written in C and functionally similar to the rcp command.