
Hi! I'm a software engineer interested in compiler implementation, building educational software, and creating with web technologies. If you'd like to work with me, please get in touch by emailing me at eignnx@gmail.com!

📜 Statement of Ethics

  1. Software is not built in a vacuum. It is irresponsible to pretend the effects of code we write are entirely out of our control.
  2. If Hitler submits a pull request to your project, you should reject it.
  3. Oppressive systems can evolve without their constituents knowing about them, so willful ignorance is bad.
  4. The position perfectly between two extremes has no more inherent worth than any other position. In fact, "neutrality helps the the oppressor, never the victim."

🔧 Technologies I Use

🏗️ My Projects

Lazy Sequence Tutorials

A 6-part tutorial series about implementing lazy sequences (on-demand iterators) in pure ReasonML.

Functional Programming